1 – Bachelor  =  U$ 3,360 ( total cost )

1.1 – For Brazilian students residing in Brazil = R$ 3.360,00 ( total cost )

1.2 For Brazilian students residing in Brazil Monthly fee per month ( 36x months Custom payment ) = R$ 94,00


2 – Cost per academic discipline single  = U$ 120

2.2 – Cost per academic discipline single for Brazilian students residing in Brazil = R$120,00


3 – Cost of Certification in the State of Florida (diploma and official documents) = U$ 500 

3.1 – Cost of Certification in the State of Florida (diploma and official documents) For Brazilian students residing in Brazil = R$ 2.800,00


4 – Bachelor Course with certification ( State of Florida  diploma and official documents  =  U$ 3,860 ( Total cost )

4.1 –  For Brazilian students residing in Brazil = R$ 6.160,00 ( Total cost )

4.2 –  Monthly fee per month ( 36x months Custom payment ) = R$ 173,00


5 – Enrolment fee U$50 ( FORM APLLY )

5.1 –  For Brazilian students residing in Brazil = R$ 120,00


Payments can be made through VOX DEI partner payment gateways or customized payments. We accept national cards from Brazil and international cards from other countries. Payment can be paid in installments on your credit card. Vox Dei accepts monthly payment for customized payments.


There is no refund of the enrollment fee and courses.